Sunday, 19 September 2010

How to Turn School into an Exciting Learning Experience

Back to School Tips from The Boring Institute

"The number one complaint about school is that it is boring," says Alan Caruba, the founder of The Boring Institute. "It is frequently the excuse given for dropping out." By contrast, says Caruba “School should be an exciting, learning experience.” Over the years the Institute has developed the following advice to help students get the most out of the school experience.

1. Go with the flow. What could be easier than to show up on time, do what is asked of you, and take full advantage of the learning opportunities school offers?

2. Go to bed! Staying up late to watch TV or "hang out" drains your brain of the power that it needs to learn anything. Begin the day, as well, with a good breakfast.

3. TV sucks out your brain. The more TV you watch, the less exercise your brain gets. Only watch programs you really like. Turn it off and you will discover how much time you have for other activities.

4. You can learn it. Your brain has an extraordinary power to learn virtually anything. Trust it. Always ask for help when you need it.

5. School equals $uccess. School opens the door to success. Good grades really do count.

6. Get the reading habit. To succeed at anything, reading is essential. And fun, too!

7. Develop test-skills. You can learn how to take a test, any test. Then prepare well for each one.

8. Choose school-friendly friends. Avoid people who will find any excuse to avoid learning anything.

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